Cristen got a mountain bike in 2014 and decided to try a race 1 month later. She immediately became hooked on racing and hasn’t looked back! What started out as a fun way to explore new trails and challenge herself, soon turned into a passion that she wanted to excel in. She began training with PFN SpeedLab after her first season in Cat 3 and has worked her way up to riding with the fastest women in Florida in Cat 1. Her biggest goal is to keep improving her skill and speed. She has a 6 year old son and wants to teach him that anything is possible with determination and hard work!


2018 Florida State Championship Series 5th Overall Cat 1

2017 Florida State Championship Series 2nd Overall Cat 2

2016 Florida State Championship Series 3rd Overall Cat 2

2015 South East Regional Championship Series 1st Overall Cat 3